This valuation is based on the discounted cash flow valuation model using projected cash flow. This method of valuation is the one typically used by high-growth companies. For those more stable, our current financials value calculator may be more appropriate. As you will see, your valuation is based on future cash flow and justifying this growth rate to a buyer will be a critical part of justifying value.
This valuation may not include intellectual property, inventory, and other assets or liabilities. We suggest that this valuation be strictly used as a guideline and not be shared with potential buyers or be used as an absolute price you must obtain to sell. Business valuations are very tricky and will vary from expert to expert. This valuation should not be taken as a serious valuation.
Disclaimer: The value generated by this online discounted cash flow valuation tool is only an estimate and uses a similar model that is used by most strategic and financial buyers in the analysis of company's financial value. The validity of this value is based on the inputs the user has provided including the accuracy of current financials, future projections, the chosen multiplier, and the various assumptions used to calculate the discount.
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